RDA Setup
In this section it is possible to set a series of information necessary for the regulation and complete operation of the AddOn.
In TAB General there are the following setup fields:
RDA No. Series: by clicking on the lookup menu, select the series no. previously created for Purchase Request type documents, in this way the system will automatically assign a progressive document no. when a new Purchase Request is created.
Quote Nos.: by clicking on the lookup menu, select the series no. previously created for Quote type documents, in this way the system will automatically assign a progressive document no. when a new Quote is created.
To allow the system to automatically generate the two series nos., check Default Nos. flag when creating protocols on No. Series page.
Flag Use only Service Item: if it's true, while inserting a Purchase Request, the lookup menu for the field Item No. will be filtered, therefore only Service Item will be proposed, otherwise if it's false all Item Types will be proposed.
Flag Enable Fixed Asset: if it's true, while inserting a Purchase Request, you can add a Fixed Assets to the document's line, otherwise if it's false you can't insert Purchase Requests that contain Fixed Assets.
Flag Show User Group Documents: if it's true, all users belonging to the same Group can view on the dedicated pages only the Purchase Requests inserted by users belonging to the same Group, otherwise if it's false the view is not filtered.
Flag Request Rejection Comment: if it's true, in case of document's rejection, forces the approver user to enter a comment to justify the choice just made, otherwise if it's false no page to enter the comment will be displayed, and the approver user would not be obliged to enter a justification.
Quote Report No.: this field contains the Report No. to use when printing the Quote type document.
Purchase Request Report No.: this field contains the Report No. to use when printing Purchase Request type document.
In TAB Approval there are the following setup fields:
Approval Policy: default value is Sequence approval.
Flag Approval for Total Document if it's true, the approval for documents will be for the Total Document and not for the Single document's Lines.
Approval Dimension 1 Code: indicates the first dimension code to propose in Approval Trees page, to be used in Approval Trees' creation.
Approval Dimension 2 Code: indicates the second dimension code to propose in Approval Trees page, to be used in Approval Trees' creation.
Document Due Date Formula: enter in this field the number of days that must pass from the document date to consider the document expired. For example 7G.
Flag Validatation by Purch.Required: if it's true, enables a check when a Quote type document is inserted that verifies if the corrisponding flag Purchase Validated is true, otherwise no check is enabled.
Flag Validatation by Admin.Required: if it's true, enables a check when a Purchase Order is created from an Approved Quote document that verifies if the corrisponding flag Administration Validated is true.
Flag RDA Urgent Autom. Approved: if it's true, the Purchase Request RDA Urgent switches directly to Status "Quote Approved" allowing to create the Purchase Order directly, otherwise if it's false the Approval Tree provided for by the procedure is respected.
In TAB Budget there are the following setup fields:
Flag RDA Budget Enabled: if it's true, allows you to enter and manage the RDA Budget within the system, otherwise if it's false you can not manage the Bugdet and its consequent consumption during documents' creation.
Flag Budget Amount Include VAT: if it's true, Budget's consumption is from Amount Incl. VAT, otherwise if it's false, Budget's consumption is from Amount Excl. VAT.
Flag Budget Cons. Always: if it's true, Budget is always consumed by any entry recorded in the system.
Flag Cons. from Orig. Budget Name: if it's true, the Budget consumed will be the one for the same period inserted in the document
Flag Undo RDA Approv.Restore Budget: if it's true, if you undo a document's Approval, the consumption entry previously generated will be reversed and the buget restored.
Flag Order Reopen Restore Budget: if it's true, when a Purchase Order is reopened, the budget consumption entry is reversed and the initial budget is restored.
Flag G/L Account Optional in Budget: if it's true, when RDA Budget is inserted there is no check enabled on G/L Account field, which can be blank.
Budget Date Check: by default is Operation Date.
Flag Suggest Budget Competence Date: if it's true, the field Competence Date is filled automatically both on header and lines of the Purchase Request document.
Flag Gen. Jnl Line Budget for All Dim.: if it's true, it is possible to create a Budget and the related G/L Entries for all the dimensions in the system.
Flag Show G/L Account Budg. Warning: if it's true, while inserting documents verifies if the user is authorized to insert the document for a specific G/L account.
Quote Unit Price: by default is Worse, in the presence of multiple Quotes related to a single Purchase Request the budget will be committed by the Quote with the highest amount, if its value is Best the budget will be committed by the Quote with the lowest amount, finally, if its value is Medium the budget will be committed for an average value of all amounts in the different Quotes.
Budget Cons. Entry Policy: by default is Unique Entry in this case the Budget is consumed by single Purchase Request by creating a single consumption entry reversed and recreated with the approval steps progress.
In TAB Budget Dimensions there are the following setup fields:
Budget Dimension from 1 to 6: enter in these fields the dimension codes to be used for RDA Budget Creation in G/L Budget page.
Flag Budget Dimension from 1 to 6 Mandatory: if it's true, while inserting Budget makes it mandatory to specify the dimension for which this flag in the setup is true.
The TAB Budget and Budget Dimensions must be filled in only if RDA Budget is managed in the system.
In TAB Notification there is the following setup field:
Send From Mail: to be filled in with the email that will automatically send notifications to users involved in the approval process.